24hour home cage activity and social behavior monitoring

locomotion activity / amount of activity / biological rhythm / social behavior
※Multi chamber system (1 – 8 chamber)

24 hour home cage activity and social behavior monitoring


Special cages designed to house up to four subjects are utilized in this test. Each cage is equipped with a CCD camera placed directly above and captures images at 1 – 2 frames/sec. To reduce any interruptions during image capture, both water bottle and food box are fixed on the sides of the cage. When only analyzing a single subject within the cage, each image frame is converted to a binary image and the elliptical subject particle is tracked by using the center of the particle. With this analysis, the software can measure the subject’s distance traveled every minute. When two to four subjects are housed in the cage, each image is converted to a binary image and the software calculates the difference of changed area from the previous image to measure the amount of activity. Furthermore, to analyze whether the subjects come in contact with another during testing, the software analyzes the number of particles in each image frame. This analysis shows when the subjects are in contact with others or are separated. If a large capacity hard disk is connected to the computer, the software can also store serial images during testing. The software automatically analyzes and stores all data files and images throughout testing.

24hour home cage activity and social behavior monitoring

Catalog Download

24HourHomeCage.pdf [PDF:2,405KB]

Three-points Meter

amount of activity/ food intake/ water intake/biological rhythm
Multi-chamber system (1 – 16 chamber)

Three-points Meter

ambulatory activity, food intake, water intake

This is for measuring 3 kinds of amounts: 1 ambulatory activity, 2 food intake and 3 water intake, at the same time within one cage. So not only each amount, but also possible to search correlation of data sets. It is possible to measure at the same time such amount within 16 cages at the maximum (16 individuals) by means of a computer.
By using plastic resin cages available on the market, it will be possible to autoclave and the replacement of the cage itself is reasonable. All the parts that come in contact with animals such as food box, watering bottles are autoclavable.


Activity data acquisition software

Activity data acquisition software

XY IR-beam visualization image

XY IR-beam visualization image

For measuring activity, the position of the target is detected by interrupting the infrared beams positioned in the X and Y axis around the cage. This device detects the movement in position of the whole body of the target animal, without being misled by the movement of the tail and any other body.
The position and movement of the target within the cage are automatically measured. The position and movement data are stored on a hard disk as time series text files.

Food and water intake

Food and Water intake data acquisition software

Food and Water intake data acquisition software

In the system, the food box and the water intake bottle hang respectively from the precision scales. The food and water intake are measured by the unit of 10mg, by a measuring unit mounted on cage top. The food box and the water bottle can be easily approached by the target animals. The food box can recover the remnants of food that remains after each bite. The water bottle is also designed to measure the water intake while it is hanging from the cage top. The water bottle eliminates almost all possible leakage and evaporation of water and enables to measure correctly the water intake. The software includes refill icon so that food and water may be supplemented during the measurement.


Catalog Download


Wheel meter

activity / amount of activity / biological rhythm
※Multi chamber system (1 – 48 chamber)

Wheel meterOn this system, wheel can be attached to general cage cover. And photo beam sensor counts the rotation number of wheel. By using the software, time series data can automatically be saved as text files.